Upload your mixtape to Spinrilla.com!!!
Make the payment below and your mixtape will be added to Spinrilla.com within 48 hours.After you make the payment, email us:1. Artist name
2. Mixtape name
3. Mixtape Cover
4. Tracklist
5. Songs (in mp3 format)
6. Youtube video (if you have one you want to use for your mixtape page)
7. Your Twitter name for tagging
8. The release date along with time you want mixtape to drop
9. All of these files need to be in a zip file uploaded to wetransfer, dropbox, sendspace or any other file uploading site and then send us that link
After completing payment, send your email to SpinrillaUpload@dmvlife.com.
We will notify you once your mixtape has been added to Spinrilla.com.

Additional Promo Options:
Mixtape Feature on our Soundcloud: http://dmvlife.com/mifeonourso.html
Video Feature and Promo: http://dmvlife.com/dmvvisu.html
Single Feature and Promo: http://dmvlife.com/dmradr.html
Artist Submission: http://dmvlife.com/arsu.html
Your Music on DMV LIFE Radio: http://dmvlife.com/dmradr.html
Get Interviewed by DMVLIFE.com: http://dmvlife.com/interviews.html